Computer Law Compliance Solution
XSidekick Logging System    
  - Base on open source software    
  - No license fees  
  - Compile to Thailand Computer Crime   Act 2007  
Network Traffic Logging  
  - Support verious configuration  
  - PCAP logging output format  
  - Support many analyzer tools
Application Logging  
  - Base on syslog
  - Central log server  
  - Support windows application
User Authentication  
  - Login via web browser before using      internet
  - Log user ,time and IP  
  - User allow to change their own passwords
Other Features  
  - Time synchronize
  - No log changing allowed  
  - Log hashing
XSidekick Services  
  - Survey customer network
  - Propose solution  
  - Install & setup  
    - Syslog server  
    - Network traffic log server  
    - User authentication server
  - PC server(s) with linux support
   (Redhat 5 / CentOS 5)
  - Single / Separate servers  
Copyright @ Xsidekick Co.,Ltd